19 Halloween Window Decoration Ideas

If you want to meet your guests with creepy Halloween drawings, then these ideas are for you. To apply them, you need to print templates that contain images of Halloween characters and transfer them to cardboard or paper. These can be skeletons, bats, witches, ghosts, cats, pumpkins. On the cardboard, paint the silhouette drawings with black paint, cut them, put them on the edge of the window or hang them on the ledge and turn on the light. Small silhouettes can be cut from black paper and glued to the glass with soap.

Halloween Window Decoration

bat decor for halloween window decorations
cat decor for halloween window decorations
ghost halloween window decorations
halloween window bat decorations
halloween window decorations monsters

You still haven’t made up your mind about Halloween window decor? Then keep checking. You’il certainly find an idea you’re going to like.

halloween window decorations scary eyes
halloween window decorations spider
halloween window decorations
halloween window skeleton decorations
owl decor halloween window decorations
pumpkins decor for halloween window decorations 2
pumpkins for halloween window decorations
rip decor for halloween window decorations
save your self decor for halloween window decorations
skeleton decor for halloween window decorations
spider halloween window decorations
spider web decor halloween window decorations
spider web halloween window decorations
witch and bat decor for halloween window decorations

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